How do I get to work during the Olympics?
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In a month's time, the 2024 Olympic Games will take Paris by storm. The streets will be packed. Public transport will be overloaded. Daily commutes will turn into veritable tests of patience. Workers in the Paris region therefore face an Olympic challenge. How do you get to work during the Paris 2024 Olympic Games? Here are a few tips for navigating Paris and a clever solution for dodging public transport.
Discover our Paris 2024 Olympics survival guide. Find 5 golden rules and lots of tips to help Parisians during the Games 👇
Use navigation applications and websites to check road closures and public transport timetables. RATP and SNCF regularly update their information to help users anticipate disruptions.
If possible, stagger your working hours to avoid the busiest times of the day. Working earlier in the morning or later in the evening can help you avoid the crowds.
Take advantage of self-service bicycles like Vélib', electric scooters, or even walking for short trips. Not only do these modes of transport avoid traffic jams, they're also good for your health.
To sum up and remember these tips, think 4D:
The authorities are introducing a digital pass, or Games Pass, to make it easier to get around during the Olympics. This pass can be your best ally in navigating the city efficiently.
The Games Pass is a digital pass designed for workers and residents to circulate and access security perimeters during the Games.
First check if you need a Games Pass to get around. Then be sure to register and download the Games Pass in advance.
If commuting is too much of a hassle, why not opt for local coworking? This flexible solution enables you to work close to home while benefiting from a professional environment.
For the people of Ile-de-France, the average commuting time is 38 minutes(1). During the Olympic Games, daily commutes will be disrupted and this average time will rise sharply. By choosing a coworking space near you, you can considerably reduce the time you spend commuting.
Coworking spaces, like those offered by Worklib, are fully equipped with high quality professional equipment: ergonomic desks and chairs, meeting rooms, phone boxes... Telework in good conditions and enjoy all the comfort you need to stay productive.
In addition to high-quality work equipment, coworking spaces often offer a range of additional services and amenities. From high-speed Wi-Fi to fully-equipped meeting rooms and coffee machines, these spaces are designed to meet all your professional needs.
Reserve your workspace by the hour, day, week or month, with no obligation. Choose your space according to your needs: open space, meeting room, phone box...
Working in a local coworking center allows you to effectively separate your professional life from your personal life. By avoiding long commutes, you save precious time that you can devote to your hobbies, family or personal activities.
Coworking spaces are also places where people meet and exchange ideas. This community dynamic encourages the exchange of ideas, spontaneous collaboration and the creation of a professional network. It's like team training, where everyone motivates and supports the others.
The Paris 2024 Olympics represent a major challenge for workers in the Paris region, but with the right preparation and strategies, you can navigate this period successfully. Whether it's carefully planning your commute, using the Pass Jeux or opting for local coworking, there are solutions to maintain your productivity during the Olympics. So, prepare like an athlete and make this period a rewarding experience. Ready, set, go! Telework!
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