
Hybrid work: why and how to make your organization more flexible?

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Hybrid work: why and how to make your organization more flexible?

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Hybrid work: why and how to make your organization more flexible?

Hybrid working offers companies a unique opportunity to modernize their working patterns. However, if this configuration meets the new requirements of employees, it can raise some difficulties during its implementation. How can we deal with the challenges of this work mode and build a solid organization? The solution: make workplaces more flexible.

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Which solutions to make your organization more flexible?

It's no longer a given that today's employees need more flexibility.


Companies must therefore intelligently reinvent themselves to :

  • improve the quality of life at work ;
  • boost the productivity of their talent;
  • remain attractive in the market.

For this, there are several solutions for making work spaces more flexible. On the one hand, with the flex office, no more dedicated offices! The space is reorganized and the workstations are fewer in number and the work spaces are redesigned according to the uses and activities of the employees. Employees can always go to the company's premises, but they also have the choice to work from home or in an external office.

On the other hand, following the reorganization of the work surface, companies sometimes do not have enough space to accommodate all their employees. In this case, a booking solution must be implemented - and it is often the zone booking that is preferred. This process consists in securing a place in a work area via an application in order to facilitate the distribution within the spaces in case of strong affluence.

Making your organization more flexible: challenges to anticipate

Flexibilization must be adapted to the industry and organizational culture, but also to individual aspirations. Thus, to ensure the transition from a traditional to a hybrid work mode, it is important to :

  • survey employees on their needs in order to link productivity and well-being;
  • to change mentalities and the corporate culture in order to anticipate possible resistance to change;
  • review thelayout of the work surface to propose an optimal office layout and create workspaces adapted to employees' activities;

encourage employees to be disciplined and rigorous in organizing their work week (location, schedules, etc.);

  • Offer support for remote workers (tools, data security...).

Making your organization more flexible can be a real challenge and should be done gradually: start by testing one of your teams for a few months. This will allow you to observe the behavior of each team member, ask for feedback, and adjust the processes as you go along.

It is not always easy to make your organization more flexible: some people lose their bearings, others are afraid of the unknown... To ensure the transition to a "flexible" way of working, support your teams at every stage. 

Découvrez donc la méthodologie de Worklib pour garantir la réussite de votre transition : basée sur de vrais retours d’expérience, elle vous aidera à relever le défi !

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Key figure

76 %

of French employees would like to have more freedom to choose where they work, and 93% of them would like more autonomy in managing their working hours. 


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