
4 tips for maintaining a strong corporate culture in the age of hybrid work

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4 tips for maintaining a strong corporate culture in the age of hybrid work

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4 tips for maintaining a strong corporate culture in the age of hybrid work

With the standardization of hybrid work, a new challenge has arisen: federating teams around a strong corporate culture. To do this, it is essential to give meaning and reference points to employees, who are moving towards a disruptive work model: how can we improve the employee experience in the face of these new challenges?

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Strengthen your corporate culture: 4 key tips

Tip #1: Integrate the hybrid work model from the onboarding phase

To immerse new talent in the company's culture and way of working, the integration process must be based on the principles of hybrid work. New employees must therefore:

  • know the codes and rules of life of this new work model, such as the number of telecommuting days allowed per week or the means used to reserve a workstation or a work area;
  • be able to interact with their colleagues in dedicated spaces (common rooms, strategic work areas...);
  • come to the office more regularly during the first few weeks (or months) to better integrate into the team and the company.

Tip #2: Strengthen the sense of belonging through communication tools

There should be no differentiation between employees who go directly to the office and those who work remotely. To do this, sharing company culture must be multi-channel: bring teams together usingconversational tools such as Slack, Teams, Zoom, or the placement of cameras in meeting rooms that film the entire room and zoom in on the person speaking.

Communication must be asynchronous so that it can be shared between the different collaborators, regardless of the chosen work mode. Promote the culture of writing (minutes, summary notes, etc.) so that everyone has access to shared information outside of meetings.

However, be careful not to offer too many tools! Technology should facilitate communication, not become a constraint: limit the number of information channels to avoid overload.

Tip #3: Embody the company's values through the manager (the federator)

The manager is the ideal person to transmit the company's values to the employees. To do so, he can :

  • Establish rituals related toactivity-based working, by choosing the most appropriate workspace according to the type of interactions desired (for example, one mandatory face-to-face day per week to participate in a team breakfast);
  • organize more exceptional and federative events (for example by organizing once a month/quarter a day in a coworking space with the whole team, during which a speaker will speak on current topics to inspire and motivate);
  • to value the culture of feedback and results with a 1-1 point every two weeks;
  • apply a participative management by integrating the employees in the decision making process to reinforce the team spirit;
  • set up a framework with precise rules (turn on the camera from a distance, come to the office for important meetings...).

Employee experience should be a priority in your corporate culture: it promotes professional fulfillment and motivation, and therefore employee productivity.


Tip #4: Embody the corporate culture through the workspace

The premises can also become the bearers of the corporate culture. How can this be done? You can create, for example :

  • a creative lab space (for a technology-oriented company);
  • reception offices (for a law firm)...

But how do you strengthen the corporate culture for those who work remotely? There are several solutions:

  • Allow employees who live nearby to meet in external coworking spaces to create a delocalized office where they can continue to share the company culture;
  • offer goodies in the company's colors, such as water bottles or stickers to be placed on computers.

In the office, replace some of the traditional workstations with collaborative spaces. You can also create physical events to bond and boost team engagement. 

In addition, the flex office enhances the employee experience and strengthens the sense of belonging to the company: employees are free to choose the workplace that best suits their activities of the day, and thus do not always stay with the same people. 

The corporate culture must constantly reinvent itself to continue to meet the needs of employees by offering them adapted experiences, such as the implementation of virtual reality rooms. 

Corporate culture: the solution for team building in the age of hybrid work

Hybrid work is not necessarily a threat to corporate culture. On the contrary: if well implemented, it can become a real asset to strengthen it. To do this, managers must first and foremost avoid the isolation of remote workers and maintain a good team spirit.

But the workspace is also a major lever for increasing the sense of belonging to the company and sustaining individual commitment - and it makes sense when mixed with the hybrid work model

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