Hybrid work: the 5 impacts of a new employee mobility
Hybrid work: the 5 impacts of a new employee mobility
Reading time : 4 mn
Following the health crisis, the routine of employees has changed. Gone are the days of the classic "metro-busy-sleep" routine! Companies are adapting to their new habits: to attract and retain ever more demanding talent, they have changed their work policies. Hybrid work and the resulting mobility are key factors. Let's take a look at the major impacts of this change towards more flexibility!
Today, 100% face-to-face work is no longer an option. Hybrid work - which alternates between face-to-face and remote work - has led to upheavals in employee mobility, with environmental and economic impacts.
An employee who does not have to travel to work every day reduces his or her carbon footprint. Yes, telecommuting has a positive impact on our environment: one day of work at home per week corresponds to an annual reduction of CO2 emissions of 271 kg.
By offering alternative shared workplaces that can be accessed on demand, employees can also choose a location that is closer to their personal activities. The goal? To optimize the organization of their days and avoid crossing the city from one side to the other morning and evening.
With the implementation of a hybrid work model, employees are no longer occupying offices as much. These empty spaces, which could be a drag on a company's profitability, represent a business opportunity. Companies can:
Change and renewal of the work environment are excellent ways to break the monotony and promote motivation and performance. In addition, employee satisfaction increases if they can choose where they work within the framework defined by the company (at home, in the office, in a coworking space...).
The mobility induced by hybrid work allows employees to organize their agendas and choose a location according to their missions of the day and/or their personal constraints. For example, an employee who has the choice to work in a space close to his children's school will be more serene. They will be able to get to school more quickly after their day and thus reduce their stress load. And it is well known: well-being at work increases productivity!
The activity-based model is a real advantage for the employees of a company. It is about offering different workspaces for different purposes in order toimprove working conditions and thus productivity. For the activity-based concept to be optimal, it must be applied in the company's premises but also in external locations.
For example, an employee who has several video conference meetings during the day may prefer to stay at home to ensure a work space that is conducive to concentration. It's a proven fact: telecommuters increase their productivity by 5% to 9% when their home environment is conducive. On the other hand, an employee attending a workshop may prefer to work in the company's internal offices.
Remote work takes many forms. It is no longer limited to the home, where the employee can feel isolated. Today, it is possible to work remotely in collective and friendly places, like a coworking space. Employees can choose a place adapted to their missions outside the office without suffering from the feeling of isolation that can come from working at home for a long time.
Are your teams on the move? These collective spaces also allow the employees of a company to meet in the same workspace, even at the other end of France.
To meet the new work habits of employees, companies need to rethink their workspaces. And for the past few years, a trend has been emerging: employees are increasingly asking to be able to work in a coworking space or other refurbished and adapted places such as hotels, cafés, restaurants or libraries. Every year, about 2,800 new coworking spaces are created in France. This is proof that this flexible and mobile way of working appeals to many French people.
Giving employees the opportunity to choose the space most suited to their activities is now the norm for French companies. What about you? Where do you stand?
The hybrid work model is the new norm in business and this has a major impact on employee mobility. Organizations must adapt and offer employees the possibility to choose a workplace adapted to their missions and personal constraints. To attract (and retain) talent, companies need to include and value hybrid work in their employer brand. And while flexibility is essential today, don't forget to establish a framework and clear rules to make the change effective in the long term!
Good to know
There are platforms that can advise you on choosing the work modes and spaces that will be suitable for employees' needs.
There are workspaces for every mission! There are many possibilities: