

Designing an optimal hybrid work model for your organization

Success story

Why and how did Accor design a hybrid work model adapted to its organization?

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Success story

Why and how did Accor design a hybrid work model adapted to its organization?

1 500. C’est le nombre de collaborateurs du groupe Accor ayant adopté la solution worklib en un an. À travers ce cas client, nous revenons sur les étapes de la transformation des modes de travail de l’entreprise, mais aussi sur les grands enjeux auxquels elle répond. Découvrez comment Accor a réussi à déployer un modèle hybride et les résultats qui en découlent.

Hybrid work responds to the need for employee flexibility

A challenge : more and more, employees want to enjoy a better balance between their professional and personal lives. For some, this need for flexibility is even becoming an important criterion for choosing a company. 

A solution : to meet this challenge, Accor has decided to offer alternatives in terms of work spaces. Thanks to the worklib application, employees have access to thousands of places to work close to home and throughout France.

Combating isolation and strengthening collaboration

A challenge: social ties and hospitality are part of the values of the Accor group. It was therefore essential that this new hybrid work mode should foster links between employees. 

A solution: worklib helps Accor managers to set up moments of exchange in the office or in other inspiring places. In a few clicks, they can find spaces suitable for meetings and teamwork sessions.

Make the change part of an eco-responsible approach

A challenge: at Accor, Corporate Social Responsibility is a major concern that is at the heart of the transformation of working methods.

One solution: the switch to hybrid working has enabled Accor to reduce its employees' commuting and optimize its real estate strategy. Two factors that are helping to reduce the group's carbon footprint.

The results of this collaboration and transition are very positive. Accor employees benefit from a flexible work environment that facilitates their daily lives, promotes collaboration and boosts their productivity. Want to know more?

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