

Creating bonds in hybrid teams: the ultimate guide

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How do you create bonds in a hybrid team?

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How do you create bonds in a hybrid team?

With the advent of hybrid working, time spent in the office is becoming rarer. While it allows teams to be more flexible in the way they organize their work, it's still difficult to forge links via the screen. And yet, relationships between employees are crucial to maintaining productivity. Discover our experts' best practices for meeting this challenge.

Hybrid team: an update

A hybrid team, by definition, works both remotely and face-to-face. Your employees don't physically work in the same place every day of the week. The result is a variable-geometry work organization (frequency and location of meetings, synchronicity, etc.).

Hybrid models are revolutionizing workspace management. Teams are dispersed and work from a multitude of locations. For your employees, this makes it difficult to meet up with colleagues and forge links within teams.

Hybrid working is, of course, all the rage. Its flexibility boosts employee satisfaction, and therefore productivity.

The downside? Hybrid teams face 3 challenges:

  • asynchronous communication ;
  • weakened social ties ;
  • a diluted corporate culture .

Hybrid working: define an effective policy in 3 steps

The health crisis has accelerated companies' transition to a hybrid model. This sudden transformation of organizations has not necessarily led to the implementation of successful models.

To thrive in this new way of working, it is important to define your hybrid work policy by following these 3 steps:

  1. Ask your employees to understand their expectations.
  2. Establish and disseminate clear guidelines.
  3. Support your managers in their day-to-day work.

Guidelines are built around the three key elements of hybrid working: workspaces, interactions andorganization. As soon as the rules have been laid down, don't forget to communicate them.

In hybrid teams, the manager plays a decisive role. Support your managers with training, HR follow-up and company rituals - it makes all the difference!

Creating links: rituals for the collective

In the age of geographically distributed teams, fostering cohesion is no easy task. Don't worry, rituals are coming to the rescue. Rituals are the best way to manage a hybrid team, create bonds and keep the corporate culture alive.

Rituals must exist on 2 levels:

  • company-wide - for example, use the Culture Buddy to pass on the corporate culture to new arrivals;
  • on a hybrid team scale - bring your team together with a Weekly Team Check-out to create links and synergies.

Encourage informal exchanges (afterworks, coffee breaks, etc.) by helping to organize or finance them. It's a sign that your employees enjoy spending time together.

Hybrid working presents a major challenge: maintaining team cohesion. You can meet this challenge with the right organization, tools, workspaces and rituals. You'll find detailed advice and a host of rituals in our comprehensive guide to the subject.

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